It started with magazines and now, 55 years later, Sansyl is a solid player in the industry. With our team of about 30 employees we are based in Uitgeest, The Netherlands and Bucharest, Romania.

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What all started with pioneering magazines back in 1968 became a solid player in the online and offline industry: welcome to Sansyl! With 30 employees we work on various products which all have something to do with content: from production to licensing and from internet sites, TV-channels and apps to magazines. Sansyl is based in The Netherlands, close to Amsterdam and has a tech office in Romania. Please scroll down to find out more about our various activities. Do you have questions, business proposals or suggestions? Contact us!!


Let's Get In Touch!

Ready to start your next project with us? That's great! Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Anna van Renesseplein 8, 1911KN, Uitgeest, The Netherlands

+31 (0) 251 36 20 20